Monday, July 30, 2007

Week of July 25th: Food, Glorious Food

Wednesday, July 25 to Tuesday, July 31

Liam ate 'solid' food this week. Figuring that he was nearly 5 months old, we fed him a bowl of rice cereal. It looks a lot like wallpaper paste, but he thought it tasted pretty good.

We took lots of pictures of his first ever bowl of 'real' food. We have to give credit where it is due. The only reason why the first food off a spoon came even close to working was due to Granny's diligence in teaching Liam to take Gripe Water from a spoon. This is not to say that the event was a total success. Of the bowl of cereal, we estimate that about 1/3 went into Liam, 1/3 coated Liam, and the final third ended up a puddle he sat in. Needless to say it was bath time after that.

Friends came over to play our favorite game, Apples to Apples, on Sunday. Liam was happy to have all the extra attention (and hands to feed him). Margie seemed somewhat concerned that we take off Liam's clothes to feed him, suggesting he might grow up and think he needs to do the same. She suggested the bib; thanks Margie. However, with the mess he makes, it's still easiest to take the clothes off before eating. But the bib helps.

Cara and Joya helped me give Liam a bath after we all fed him cereal. Then we played Apples to Apples. I don't recall who won.

Liam also has a new exersaucer -- obtained mostly so that we have one for upstairs and one for downstairs. This also helps when Carter is over, so Krysti has a place to put both of them.

Finally, we met the newest baby on the block. Liam no longer has that title. There's nothing quite like a new, tiny little one, as light as a feather. Hard to believe Liam was ever so small.

Liam is 21 weeks old, and weighs 16.5 lb and is 24 inches long (that's 2 feet tall).

More pictures:

Food Glorious Food