Monday, October 22, 2007

10/12 - 10/24 Thomas & Amy's visit

A Day in Seattle
A Day in Seattle

An Early Halloween Party
An Early Hallowen Party

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Boot Scoot and Boogie

Bean crawled today. Not sure if this is the first time he's crawled, or if this is the first time he's let anyone see him do it. It's kind of a rudimentary form: arms stretch forward, feet mash against the floor, and legs, in tandem, drag forward. He crawled all over the play room, so much that Thomas decided Liam now needs the pillow blockade we use for Carter.

Yesterday we went to see the snow. That's what you do in the Pacific NW... you go to the snow when you want to play in it. So we drove to Mt. Rainier, where it was gently snowing. We had a snowball fight -- Cara joined us on this adventure -- and snow was flying everywhere. Liam was the warmest of all. He was in a fleece snowsuit, in the baby carrier on my front, inside my zipped down jacket. He was so cozy that he fell asleep despite the conditions: howling wind and freezing temperatures. Thomas saved a snowball in the cooler, which we now have stored in the freezer. I wonder if it will last as long as the wedding cake.

On Wednesday, we went swimming at the brand new Federal Way Community Center. Liam is getting really good at pulling his legs back to swim. He paddles with his hands and kicks with his legs. He really enjoyed going down the slides with T & A,

We've overcome another bit of a crisis this week too... Krysti let us know that she's starting a new FT job with a job placement company. It's where she worked before she had Carter. They made her a fantastic offer, so next week will be her last week with Liam. The following week, Liam will start day care. (Krysti and Carter moved to a new apartment just before TTL&A arrived from England.)

We debated hiring a new nanny, but we really only need someone for two months. Then my teaching schedule moves entirely into evening courses for two months... and after that, Liam's a year old. (Can't believe it!) Our goal was to keep him out of day care until he was a year old, but we couldn't find a way to do that. We're lucky we've had him home this long. I really think it's made a big difference too; Liam sat up early and rolled over ahead of schedule. He now eats a little "real" food every day -- he likes pear and peach Yo Baby (yogurt) the best. He can wave on demand (that's all Krysti's doing) but he also knows to wave goodbye all on his own. And now, as of today, he's crawling. Plus, he's a joy to be around. Thank you Krysti for everything.

So today we are off to Seattle for a day in the city. More soon.

On October 15th Liam weighed 19 pounds.

Trip to the snow

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14: To the Power of Seven

Trevor, Lynda, Thomas and Amy arrived Friday evening. I'm amazed how much the kids have grown! Amy's a little girl now. Last time we saw her, she was a baby!

The cousins have a great time together. Bean gets a lot of attention -- he's never without a lap to sit in these days. Amy especially likes playing with him.

Yesterday was a quiet day getting used to the neighborhood (and time zone). We walked to the grocery store, and the local park. At the end of the day, we drove to Dash Point State Park to see Puget Sound.

Today we went to the pumpkin farm, where there were many adventures: a giant corn maze, a cow train, pig races... and pumpkins of course! Our friends Devin (and his parents) met us there too!

I think we are all very tired, but it was a fun weekend.

Liam's ready to crawl any moment now. He's waving... an adaptation of Krysti's 'high five'. And he ate a whole container of Baby Yogurt for dinner last night (in addition to a little chicken, asparagus and broc).

Good stuff.

By the way, a lot has happened this week... the details are forthcoming on Tuesday. This is just a quick update with photos from today's adventures.

Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 3-10: Teething

So Liam's first tooth arrived, and I think the second one is trying to follow on its heels. (Does a tooth have heels?)

Sleep is again a luxury reserved for other families. I suppose it could be worse; Liam sleeps for hours at a time. The problem is that he frequently wakes up in pain, and often nothing works to soothe him. But other than the zombie-like qualities his parents are showing, Bean's in good shape.

Rumor has it that he crawled forward for the first time this weekend, but Lester and I weren't there to see it. There might be some video forthcoming of the momentous event... until then, it's not official. And the rumor was that it was rocking, followed by a tiny movement forward. We'll see.

Liam went to the Crawford family birthday party on Sunday. It gave Lester and I a nice break to get things done. I spent much of the day trying to get a new carseat. Why are all of the employees at Babies R Us incompetent? Liam is nearly too tall for his car seat, so we're getting the next stage. Amy will use it when she's here. Then Liam graduates to the new seat.

T-minus three days until Thomas, Amy, Trevor and Lynda arrive. Don't worry Thomas, yesterday I found Wheatabix at Safeway.

Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5: Liam's First Tooth

Two nights with no sleep and we're all celebrating the arrival of Liam's first tooth. Perhaps it means tonight we can get caught up?

Welcome little tooth; we've been expecting you.

Monday, October 1, 2007

7 months old today!

How time flies. Little Bean has been around for seven months now. Now I know what all those parents mean when they talk about how much fun it is to watch the kids grow. I used to hear people say this, like when asked about their hobbies... and I was always amazed that anyone could get so exited to observe such a slow process. But now, as I see how Liam can grab his duck in the bath, and then decide to swap it out for the frog... and when he puts his little hand on the sparkley star on the page of his bedtime story book -- because he knows that's his job-- it leaves me speachless. Exactly seven months ago he was totally helpless, and now he can do things.

When he was tiny, we sang 'Happy Birthday' every week, and then every month. Well, no, actually, we would usually remember after he fell asleep every month. So sometimes I'd sneak in and sing, but mostly we agreed to wait until morning. And then we would forget.

Well just now, I almost forgot to sing to him again. This month I have every excuse to forget... I've got a cold, he's been cranky all day, etc. But I remembered. I even sang the bonus verse. He thanked me by wailing his normal two-minute goodnight cry, no longer than usual.

Goodnight Baby Bean