Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's October Again

click to enlarge

For those of you basking in the heat wave, consider this: yesterday, if I had gloves with me in the car, I would have worn them. On Monday, we had wind and rain like November. The skies have been dark since I don't know when. People are starting to talk about relocation.

Liam would like to play outside on swings that aren't damp and puddle-less slides. The wading pool is semi-deflated; waiting. That's it, we will now have to call it the waiting pool.

In protest, perhaps, Liam is not eating solid food right now. Only crunchy and baby food. No squishy bananas or sweet grapes.

There is a splash of hope though; granny and grand-dad arrive tomorrow. Liam understands this too. When he sees a photo of granny, he smiles and starts laughing. When I told him she's visiting tomorrow, he flapped his wings in anticipation. :-)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Healthy Again

Early June

Just an update: Liam's cough and runny nose seem to have subsided. I think he's made a full recovery.

We also have zoo photos. These are from the 'scavenger hunt' activity. Keep in mind, disposable cameras were used by everyone to level the playing field.

