Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Devin!

Happy Birthday to Devin!

Devin was one year old on Thursday. Liam now says D all the time, especially when we drive past his house. He stands by the back door, wearing my shoes, waving, blowing kisses, saying bye-bye. I'll ask "Where are you going?" His response, over and over, "D." He's got a friend.
I think I started the Blog before we met D. Happy birthday Blog!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer Arrived!

Nana's Purple Popsicle

June 15-July15

If a month had more in it, we'd call it a year. June is my favorite month; for me it brings a break from work and the monotony of gray skies. Usually we vacation somewhere. This year was no different.

Granny & Grandad arrived in mid-June. It was so nice to see them both again. We went to Daddy's graduation a week after they arrived. It seems like we haven't stopped for a second since then.

We also took Liam to be assessed for his eating. The doctor suggested we do this to see if he has problems related to his tongue problem he had when he was so little. If I learned anything from the experience when he was 3 weeks old, it's to get to these things as soon as possible. We met with a nice occupational therapist named Joli who knows just how to interact with Liam. She recognized opportunities to help Liam be more comfortable with eating, which will hopefully help him to accept more solid foods. By no means is he underweight (he's at the 50th percentile), but I fear him becoming more and more attached to pureed food only. We will see how he does.

On a happy note, Liam and I visited Wisconsin for a wedding. It was good timing because we also saw the 3rd fireworks in downtown Milwaukee, and we saw Klode Park fireworks the next night. He loved it, and it really wasn't too late for him because of the time change. I really think his favorite was the Whitefish Bay parade, which has really turned into something of a speclacle. There were three college marching bands, bagpipes, a dixie band, cheerleaders, stilt-walkers, ponies galore, and of course, the high school and middle school bands... still in the dump truck.

4th of July

Klodie Park was exactly as I remembered it; filled with red-white-and-blue suburban soccer moms and $1000-dollar baby strollers. But the view is incredible, and the food's not bad. Liam enjoyed it so much, we spent the day there. Last year we spent the 4th at Les Grove Park here in Auburn. I suppose Liam was littler, but it seemed there wasn't as much going on. Parades for the 4th aren't that common out here. And it certainly isn't to the scale of WFB.

Parade Video

We met with family friends, the Knudsens. I used to babysit for thier kids when I was in high school. Now they are grown up. The two oldest (the ones I so fondly remember) were home, along with their parents when Liam and I stopped by. It was nice to see them.

We also met up with Lorre and her kids. Liam adores Tommy and Claire, and their cousins, who were visiting. It's all good incentive to visit again.

The beauty of a vacation in the town where you grew up is that you know where all the good stuff is!

The wedding was beautiful and we enjoyed the related wedding activities. Liam doesn't really sit still through church, but being the only baby present, everyone cut him some slack. He really liked dancing to the organ music, and a chocolate covered strawberry at the reception.

We also made it to Chicago to see Sian. She and I took Liam to the Lincoln Park Zoo. Great place. One of the photos below is of Liam playing in the fountain at Millenium Park.

Before our trip, a little accident happened. Liam dove over the edge of the couch, and hit his mouth on a toy on the way down. At first we though he knocked a tooth loose, but after visiting the ER, we learned he lost one tooth entirely, and he kncked the other so hard it also had to come out. So Liam lost his first two baby teeth on June 28th. We will have to wait for his adult teeth to grow in, hopefully when he is 5 or 6. Liam was very brave through the whole experience.

We debated cancelling our trip to Wisconsin, to give him more time to recover, but I'm glad we didn't. Both of us really enjoyed getting away.

When we arrived home, Granny and Grand dad returned from their trip up to Whistler. They spent another few weeks with us before heading home. While they were here, we met with Robin and her family. (Robin's mom and Lester's mom were cousins.)

Liam also has two new molars. We went to the dentist for the first time after Liam's accident, and were surprised to learn he had a new molar! The one on the other side has been coming in since then, taking it's own, sweet, painful time.

In the last month, Liam's vocabulary has grown. He now says more (which he has always said) along with ball, book, 'nana, baby, pease, bye, cheese and fish. He also makes the sound for dog (and all other animals) which kind of sounds like a dog's bark. He makes a noise for airplane (ssshhhh) and points to every one he sees. Cars sometimes warrant a bee-bee or ba-ba. He signs sleep, more, eat, all done, milk and airplane (sort-of). He also shakes his head no. (We get a lot of no and all done at dinner.)

So now we are settling back into routines. Liam is back at Building Blocks, with Mrs. Ally, who missed him very much. He's there three days a week, and he gets to see Carter on Monday and Friday.

More photos:
Summer 2008