Friday, December 28, 2007

Hi From Florida

The weather is great. Liam's having a blast. His grandparents are giving him love and attention. Today we went swimming. Tomorrow we'll go over to the beach, but there was a red tide, so we probably won't swim there for a while.

Hugs to everyone!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

The pilot said we passed santa over Northern Utah. We didn't see him though. The overnight flight was tedious; Liam squirmed much of the way through a turbulent five-hour flight. He slept for a while on the tray tables, but how comfortable can that be?

These discomforts were a small price to pay though. Today Liam met his Great Grandparents. Tomorrow he gets to see his Granny and Grand-dad. And the weather here is sunny and warm

He's doing ok with napping, and he's getting a lot of attention. Liam's parents, on the other hand, are pooped. It may only be 6pm on the west coast, but we're calling it a night.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

Santa's on his way, and so are we!

In a few hours, we'll all board a plane for sunny Florida. There Liam will meet his Great-Grandparents. What a wonderful Christmas present for everyone!

On Boxing Day, we meet up with Granny and Grand-dad, who are currently spending Christmas with Thomas and Amy. We saw them earlier today on Skype.

A few days ago we met two very nice girls; Miranda and Cassie. Liam enjoyed meeting them for the first time on Saturday. The last few days have been a whirlwind of packing and getting together with friends.

Today we went to see the mall santa. The wait was 3 hours long, so we took a photo of the boys near santa. I'm not a big fan of the mall Santa, so we may have a new tradition. Take a photo *near* the mall santa. We all know he's not the real santa anyway. Right?

This morning we opened our presents, seeing as we'll be on a plane and it's not practical to lug all those presents with us. Liam received many nice things. He's had the chance to break a few of them in. Liam says 'ah-tah' which we think means thank you.

So Merry Christmas to all our family and friends. Hugs from Baby Bean XOXO

Christmas Eve

Friday, December 21, 2007

New Friends, New Blog

We haven't met the new friends up at Joya's yet. Lester has had a nasty bug that we didn't want to share. I'm struggling with getting grades posted, packing for our trip, and (still) fighting my bug. Today the doc said it's an infection, so maybe with a little antibiotic, I can rejoin this holiday season, already in progress.

Today is Liam's last day of school. They really love him there.

Crawford family blog:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Chrismas Wish Come True

Every now and then something really neat happens. Friday, after many years of waiting, Joya and Wiley met their kids. 

On Friday, they received a call about two little girls, Miranda (3) and Cassie (7). The girls were ready to move to a new foster family before Christmas. They are sisters, and they needed a family who would adopt them both. So yesterday they moved in, and hopefully they are getting comfortable in their new home.

Later this week, Liam and Cara and I will head up there to meet the girls. Liam says 'dah' which probably means 'I can't wait to meet them!'

Here they are:

Friday, December 14, 2007

Penicillin Peril

Mommy's allergic to penicillin. Daddy's allergic too. So's granny... Mommy tried to tell them, but did the doctor listen? No. The doctor gave it to me anyway. She said penicillin allergy isn't inherited. (Actually, it's amoxicillin, but they're all 'cillins.)  And now I have spots. All over. 

Guess they won't do that again. I *hope* they won't do that again. 

But at least the ear infection is gone. :-)

Monday, December 10, 2007


December 5- 10

We thought Liam's first word might be da as in dog. He looks at Zoe and says da... da... da. But then we noticed that he also says da when he looks at Daddy... and Devin... and his duck. Maybe there's just a lot of da in his life.

Lately, Liam's favorite toys roll. He likes to chase things, especially on the hardwood floor. This coincides with Zoe's favorite past-time. The two of them are often chasing the same ball, but we try to keep Zoe away from Liam's toys (and vice versa).

Liam went to see Dr. Fasullo for a check-up this week. Good news; no shots at 9 months! Liam is growing, though he's slowed down quite a bit. He's a little shy of 20 pounds, which means he lost a little being as sick as he was. The doc also said his head shape is normalizing. (A few months ago she suggested seeing a specialist about an irregular head shape. We decided against it when we learned it was purely a cosmetic thing, and the treatment seemed worse than the ailment.) The doc also found an ear infection, and we're glad she found it when she did. We all are flying to Florida in a few weeks, and we need to be healthy. The doc also suggested more drastic baby-proofing. So we decided to take it to a new level.

Our dining room has been swapped with the family room, and the play room is where the dining room used to be. This is all because the glass dining table proved to be a serious hazard to little Bean. We're not *exactly* sure how the furniture going to fit, but it will.

Sunday morning was Liam's Christmas photo shoot. Devin came over so we could get the two boys in matching Santa Suits. Devin's five months younger, but they are already catching up. I'll put a few preview photos up; but you'll have to watch your mailbox for the cutest baby in the world picture. (Hint: It's Liam -- sorry Shannon, but Dev's a close second.)

This week ahead is full of holiday parties. We'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, keep an eye on your mailbox. :-)

Santa Baby

On 12/5 Liam weighed 19.5 pounds and was 26 inches long.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hockey Night in Canada

Lester's in Calgary where it's colder than a frozen Wisconsin bubbler. Lester actually got excited when the Calgary forecast called for freezing temperatures. Tonight he's at a a hockey game, which even he seems to be enjoying. He called home at "half time." 

Lester called just after Liam exploded all over the furniture. Thank god for Shannon, who came over to help me get it off the floor, furniture, dog, etc. while I dumped Liam in the kitchen sink. Like the walls, Liam was covered in his dinner. How do single moms survive?

Just when I was putting him in his crib, Liam figured it out that da-da was gone for the night and he wasn't too pleased about that. But he's finally asleep. He likes a new CD -- actually it's one Katie sent him for Christmas last year. Normally he listens to birds chirping, but this week he likes the classical lullabies. 

Today at school Liam played with play dough for the first time. He also colored with a purple crayon. At home he tries to eat whatever I give him to be artistic with. Crafts are a challenge, but we try. It's a good thing he goes to school.

He came home with the photos they took at school a few weeks ago. These are the first unflattering photos I've seen of Liam. Perviously I thought he was just too photogenic for a blah photo to exist... but then I thought about it... it's Lester. He gets the good ones of Bean. Bean gives us good photo smiles because he's smiling for us. And it doesn't hurt that Bean's daddy is some kind of photo guru. :-)

Tomorrow we go to the doc, but I wonder about whether shots are a good idea. At least we can do the 9-month visit, and perhaps hold off on the shots.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Power Family Plague

{Please use Purell after reading this message, or you too may become infected.}

Liam started this mess last week when he lost his lunch at daycare. Actually, it began the night before, in the middle of the night. I heard it on the baby monitor and went to find his bed a mess. He continued barfing for the next day, so much that the doc wanted him to go to the ER. We actually had a decent ER experience at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital -- though poor Liam had to have IV fluids and some medication to stop the vomiting.

It wouldn't be a plague if the story stopped here.

Exactly three days later, and Liam's feeling fine. It hit me first, and then Lester a few hours later. The only one to take care of poor Liam was Zoe. We both seem to be on the mend, but I'm still not well.

Now I really wish the story stopped here.

This morning the neighbors called to say they are sick, but luckily Baby Dev is still OK. Let's really hope it stays that way. I'm expecting someone to come over later today to paint the mark on our door telling no one to enter.


Gobble, Gobble & Gibberish

Bean's 1st Thanksgiving

(Published after the fact due to the Power Family Plague)

Liam's first Thanksgiving was quiet and cozy. It started with a Packers win in the morning and ended with pumpkin pie. What's better than that?

Despite numerous offers to celebrate the Turkey holiday with friends and their families, we opted to stay home and celebrate. That doesn't mean we cooked all day and cleaned up all night, however. With Little Liam to look after, we cooked a simple dinner -- a chicken, stuffing and green bean caserole. Liam sampled bits of it all, and was quite fond of pumpkin pie. (Proof that he's only half British!)

We relished in the ample free time to spend with Liam. But when it came time for him to go to school on Friday, we didn't even blink. Liam was one of the only kids there, but he was there all day! Yes, Lest and I had a day off, together, without diapers to change, for the first time in nearly a year. Most of you would assume we went to a movie... maybe lunch? Nah, we finished our shopping, went to the post office, and then went home to work on the baby proofing.

Liam is EVERYWHERE at home. He has a playroom and a bedroom, complete with outlet covers and lots of toys. But now that he can crawl, he wants to roam around the world. It's only a matter of time before he will need the whole house to be safe for him... and that's a lot of work.

The weekend was good for catching up with friends. Krysti and Carter came for dinner on Saturday, and wound up hanging out until Sunday morning. We really enjoy visits from them. Liam's old enough now to remember a handful of people -- so he smiles and waves when his best friends come over to play. Liam is now the age Carter was when they met.

We also went to lunch with the Crawfords. The last time they both saw Liam was early October... they were amazed by how much he's changed.

Running Around with a Runny Nose

After-Halloween Party