Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby Steps

Tonight, Liam took his first few solo steps! He was pushing his little red car all over the kitchen, perhaps trying to run over the dog. He stopped, just beside his high chair, and stood by himself for a moment. Then he took three or four steps towards me, right into my arms. It was all on his own, and I think the trick was that he wasn't thinking about it.

He hasn't really repeated the feat, but in his defense, he was very tired.

How fitting that Liam took his first steps on St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Full Speed Ahead!

March 2nd through March 10

A year ago Liam was just figuring out life. He slept a lot (we didn't) and we introduced him to the world one piece, one friend, one day at a time. So it seems only appropriate that a year later, he's absorbing every detail that surrounds him.

This week he has started saying Mama. Previously he said mamamamama, and sometimes he looked in my direction. We were never really sure if he intended to speak a word, or if he uttered a meaningless sound. But really, right on his birthday, he started to say Mama and mean it. This morning, when I first saw him, clear as day, he said Mama and pointed. So far, it's the only word that we recognize, so it's his first word. He also infrequently says 'hiya' on the phone, so that might soon be his second word. He also says it randomly too, so it could be coincidence. He says 'da' a lot, but it still means too many things to pinpoint one meaning. He might be smart, but I think homonyms are still too advanced.

Other recent advances:

  • He goes to school now. His friend Carter is there, and they play well together. He doesn't eat much while he's there, so that's something to work on.

  • Little Bean stands on his own, and when brave, he takes a step between us. Still no walking.

  • The car seat faces forward now, at least in one car. Liam likes to see where he's going.

  • He gives us hugs & kisses. Gotta love these.

On 3/3/2008, Liam was 22 pounds, 11 oz. He was 29 inches tall. (Compare that to 3/3/07 when he was barely 6 pounds and 18.5 inches!) He is one year old.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Liam!

March 1st, 2008
Liam's first birthday!

Yesterday was Bean's First Birthday. It was a special day, so we celebrated with a party. Liam started his day early with breakfast. He ate yogurt and oatmeal as usual. After breakfast all the family from England called to wish Liam a happy birthday. After Liam's nap, we went to the grocery store, to get a few things for the party. We also found a 1st birthday balloon for the birthday boy!

At home, Shannon came over to help decorate the house. Liam decided he wanted to help too, so he climbed the ladder all by himself. It would have been frightening for us to watch, except he was up the ladder in a flash. By the time we noticed, he was halfway up the ladder! Luckily we were all nearby to make sure he didn't fall.

Around 3, Liam's friends arrived. The party started with a jelly bean egg hunt in the front park. Then we came inside for tea and cake. Finally, we all had cake and sang to Liam. He wasn't sure what to make of the cake at first, but eventually he discovered what to do. His cake was a round angel food with whipped cream frosting. The number 1 was on top, in blue sugar sprinkles.

Finally, Liam helped open his birthday gifts. He received many nice gifts, but the favorites were the handmade ones. Friends stayed at our house until Liam's bed time, and I don't think he fussed or cried the whole day. It was such a treat to have all of his friends over at once!

To end the day, I rocked Liam to sleep as always. He hadn't eaten much 'real food' all day, so we fed him baby food and yogurt before bed, as always. So as I was sweetly rocking my 1-year old son, he closed the festivities by barfing all over himself and Mommy.

It was a good day.