Monday, December 3, 2007

The Power Family Plague

{Please use Purell after reading this message, or you too may become infected.}

Liam started this mess last week when he lost his lunch at daycare. Actually, it began the night before, in the middle of the night. I heard it on the baby monitor and went to find his bed a mess. He continued barfing for the next day, so much that the doc wanted him to go to the ER. We actually had a decent ER experience at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital -- though poor Liam had to have IV fluids and some medication to stop the vomiting.

It wouldn't be a plague if the story stopped here.

Exactly three days later, and Liam's feeling fine. It hit me first, and then Lester a few hours later. The only one to take care of poor Liam was Zoe. We both seem to be on the mend, but I'm still not well.

Now I really wish the story stopped here.

This morning the neighbors called to say they are sick, but luckily Baby Dev is still OK. Let's really hope it stays that way. I'm expecting someone to come over later today to paint the mark on our door telling no one to enter.
