Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hockey Night in Canada

Lester's in Calgary where it's colder than a frozen Wisconsin bubbler. Lester actually got excited when the Calgary forecast called for freezing temperatures. Tonight he's at a a hockey game, which even he seems to be enjoying. He called home at "half time." 

Lester called just after Liam exploded all over the furniture. Thank god for Shannon, who came over to help me get it off the floor, furniture, dog, etc. while I dumped Liam in the kitchen sink. Like the walls, Liam was covered in his dinner. How do single moms survive?

Just when I was putting him in his crib, Liam figured it out that da-da was gone for the night and he wasn't too pleased about that. But he's finally asleep. He likes a new CD -- actually it's one Katie sent him for Christmas last year. Normally he listens to birds chirping, but this week he likes the classical lullabies. 

Today at school Liam played with play dough for the first time. He also colored with a purple crayon. At home he tries to eat whatever I give him to be artistic with. Crafts are a challenge, but we try. It's a good thing he goes to school.

He came home with the photos they took at school a few weeks ago. These are the first unflattering photos I've seen of Liam. Perviously I thought he was just too photogenic for a blah photo to exist... but then I thought about it... it's Lester. He gets the good ones of Bean. Bean gives us good photo smiles because he's smiling for us. And it doesn't hurt that Bean's daddy is some kind of photo guru. :-)

Tomorrow we go to the doc, but I wonder about whether shots are a good idea. At least we can do the 9-month visit, and perhaps hold off on the shots.