Monday, July 16, 2007

Week of July 10th

Tuesday July 10th through Tuesday July 17th

Liam has been settling into routines this week. At the suggestion of the pediatrician, we read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. This book suggested we try an early bedtime and several well-timed naps troughout the day. Liam's now going to bed at 8, and he usually sleeps until 6am. He also takes two short naps a day. This is a very good thing. And getting him to sleep is now straightforward and dare I say it... easy?

It was very hot last week; near 100 degrees every day. The house grew warmer and warmer with each passing hour, so we went out in the afternoons to avoid the heat. On Wednesday we went to the swimming pool, which was set to 1.5 feet. Liam loves the water, but there may have been too many kids in the pool for him to really feel comfortable.

On Saturday, Liam went to the zoo with Daddy, Guy (one of Liam's Godfathers), Granny Beth and Cara, Margie and Margie's son Max. This was a field trip for the Weyerhaeuser Photo Club. Guy, Lester, Margie and Max went on a photo scavenger hunt. Liam, Cara and Granny Beth looked at the animals and ate lunch.

Our house is now, and forever will be, Liam's playground. There are brightly-colored plastic toys everywhere... as it should be. He is really quite strong, and can sit on his own for short periods of time. There is a photo of him sitting up in the album below... I think his head looks so big compared to the rest of him that it amazing that he can manage to keep it upright. Eventually he does start to lean, and then he gently flops over, hopefully into something soft, or someone's waiting arms.

We started the week with a pillow behind him in the exersaucer (Office 2000) in case he toppled backward. Now he spins around and uses all the different toys, and the pillow gets in the way. I can happily put him in there for a while while I load the dishwasher or get ready to go to school. Last week I mentioned that the hand-me-down saucer is called "The Office" by the friends who gave it to us... so when I put Liam in the saucer, I tell him it's time for his office hours. I actully think if I had one of these in my office at work, he could do his office hours right beside me while I do mine!

Unfortunately that arrangement won't work, because most of the time I'm at work, I'm teaching. So Liam stays at home with Krysti, his nanny. She brings her 9-month-old son, Carter, with her, and the three of them play while I'm gone. Liam is going to learn a lot from Carter, I think, because Liam is constantly watching. When Krysti puts Carter in the Office, he jumps around like the drummer in a rock band (and makes about the same amount of noise). Liam just watches...

Today was his first day with the Nanny, and I really think this is an excellent arrangement for all of us. Plus, it was nice to get away for a few hours. Although Liam is my favorite student, and he learns so quickly, it's refreshing to focus on language skills at a (slightly) higher level. :-)

Next week should be as ordinary as tap water... but then again, you never know.

More photos:

Heatwave & the Zoo

On July 15th Liam was 4 1/2 months. He weighs more than 16 pounds.