Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week of 7/3: Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 3 to Monday, July 9

We spent a lot of time outside this week. The garden is now a nice place for all of us... we put a few more plants in, and the lilac finally has a home. Good thing too, because this week will be a scorcher!

On the 4th of July, we went to the local park in Auburn. Liam will really enjoy the activities there when he can run around and get wet at the spray playground. In the afternoon, we went up north for a BBQ at the Crawfords. We watched a few fireworks from the bedroom window - we can see three or four of the local displays going all the way out tho the sound. We were all so tired though!

Over the weekend, we had a chance to meet some of the neighbors. We all got together in the park in front of our house for a picnic. Liam behaved himself so well that we stayed out until his bedtime! We also
learned that he won't be the youngest boy on the block for very long -- seems there's something in the water around here!
We also met up with the Kresse's one last time before they move to Oregon. Joel was there -- we haven't seen him since Jill's wedding in Arkansas last year!
The week ended with Liam's 4-month check-up. He's in good health, and growing fast. At the official weigh-in, he was 16 pounds, 1 oz, and just under 25 inches long! As Granny says, he's a Baby Heffalump.
The doc has suggested an earlier bedtime and trying a little rice cereal once a day. I haven't decided about the baby cereal yet; she thinks it would be good to see how he does while he's still very young. Plus, rice allergies are rare. We'll see how it goes.

Something new for this week: Liam now is big enough for "Office 2000" the hand-me-down exersaucer that's been hanging out in our living room. (Zinta and Guntis came up with the clever name.) On Sunday he tried it for the first time and wasn't sure. By yesterday, he'd figured how to spin around in it, and how to use all the toys. I'll have pictures next week.

On July 9th Liam was 4 months, one week old. He weighs 16 pounds.