Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Good Doctor

Today we were watching MSNBC to see a repeat of Keith Olbermann on David Letterman. John McCain ditched Letterman to chill with Katie Couric and he told Letterman that he was on his way to the airport to go directly back to Washington. Olbermann stepped into his spot on the Late Show.

Countdown is the only show we watch regularly, and it's on every day. So it's fair to say I like my politics with an Olbermann bias. Jon Stewart's pretty good too, but it's satire; infotainment. Countdown is more comprehensive and less biased; but heck, it's still very liberal-flavored. So why am I putting all of this on Bean's Blog? Well first, when he gets to be older, I want him to see how important politics is to his parents. Second, as we were watching MSNBC this morning, an ad comes on TV featuring the doc who delivered Liam!

I knew I liked her. I suppose she doesn't really care if a patient goes elsewhere because of her views, seeing as she delivers something like 300+ babies a year. Plus, in Seattle, I think most women would be in favor of keeping emergency contraception legal and readily available. From my experience, she was incredible in her willingness to allow me flexibility in my difficult pregnancy, even when the others ordered me to bed rest. I'm glad she was the one to catch little Liam as he flailed into his tiny new life. And it was a nice surprise to see her on TV this morning.