Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Liam's Language Grows

We now have a full list of 25; words Liam knows and uses daily.

In order:

1. mama
2. more
3. ball
4. book
5. baby
6. bye
7. dog
8. D (for Devin)
9. cheese
10. fish
11. nana (means banana and grandma)
12. cracker
13. car/beep
13. juice
14. cookie
15. bar (means cereal bar)
16. choo-choo
17. teeth
18. hot (means hot and cold)
19. baboo (means bubble)
20. bapu (Means daiper) [ He also says poo-poo.]
21. wash
22. cow & moo
23. hoo-hoo (owl)
24. ah-ah (sheep)
25. ca-car (tractor, farmer, barn)

This doesn't include his signs: all done, airplane, eat, more, milk, sleep, dog, bird, different; flower, turtle, fish, bath, hot, car, kitty, and no.

He has started using mama and dada to refer to us, but not all the time. Someone pointed out to me that I call Lester by his name most of the time, and he calls me Lisa most of the time. If talking to Liam, we use mommy and daddy, so that explains why he's just now starting to use these words. Also, Liam rarely uses no, but he means it when he says no. Most of the time he uses it when he doesn't want a certain food or toy. He also shakes his head no, but that can mean no, yes, or I'm tired.

In a very cute way, Liam has named his favorite books, even the library ones he really likes. So there's the choo-choo book (random story about a train), the aroo book (I'll teach my dog a lot of words), the ah-ah book (farm book), the bay-bee book (photos of babies smiling, frowing, etc.), the Knut book (about Knut, the baby polar bear in Germany), la la (moo, ba, la la la, by Sandra Boynton) and there are tons of others. We read a lot.