Monday, July 20, 2009

Harry Potter and the Helicopter Teeter Totter

Friday night Liam's Daddy went to see the new Harry Potter movie with Devin's Daddy. After Liam was in bed, a phone call was made to arrange the details. Liam obviously overheard the discussion.

Shortly after Daddy left, Liam toddled into Mommy's room, blankie in tow. He wanted to know why Daddy was going to the park.

"Daddy go Teeter Totter?" Liam's favorite attraction at the froggie park is the helicopter-themed teeter totter.

I didn't get the connection at first. I told him Daddy went out for a little while. Daddy was not at the park, back in bed.

Liam grudgingly crawled back in bed.

Twenty minutes later, the sun had gone down and it was dark in Liam's room. He appeared again.

"Mommy, Liam scared. Daddy at teeter totter too long. Dark outside. Daddy lost."

I still didn't get the Harry Potter/Teeter Totter connection. He was upset though. I took him to the front porch, where first we drank milk, and then I planned to rock him to sleep. It was too hot upstairs.

He did not fall asleep, insisting that we were waiting for Daddy to come home. I could hear TV on inside, where I heard a commercial for the new Harry Potter movie. It was then that I understood Liam's confusion.

Liam thought Daddy went to play on the Teeter Totter with Brian. The park closes at dark, so when Daddy didn't appear after sunset, something was wrong. Come to think of it, there might be something odd about two grown men teetering and tottering for hours in the dark.

I thought about explaining the confusion to Liam, but had no way to explain Harry Potter without making him sound fun (which he is), in which case Liam would want to know all about Harry Potter.

You're asking why not introduce him to HP? We currently have a long list of phobias, including bears, dinosaurs, alligators, bunnies, big things, bumpy roads, thunder, dentists (rightly so) and Batman. Do we need to add a Whomping Willow or a three-headed dog? Not yet.