Friday, July 24, 2009

Birthday Cakes and Motorbike Races

Happy Birthday Suri & Devin!

Liam has been preparing for his friends birthdays for a while. If Liam had his way, every day would be Liam's birthday. He would never have to go to another child's birthday party, because all the parties would be for him, at his house. At least this was how he felt until last week.

Tuesday was Suri's 2nd birthday, and today is D's 2nd birthday. (Yes, Liam's two best friends were born a few days apart, but unfortunately we didn't know Suri back then.) We went to Suri's to celebrate on Tuesday afternoon. Liam had fun playing with Suri's cousins and neighborhood friends. The day would have been perfect had Liam not exploded in the car on the way home. (I think this may be his way of telling us that his medicine needs adjusting, or perhaps he doesn't need it anymore?)

Just before Suri's birthday, Liam figured out that birthday parties are fun, even if he is not the guest of honor. He also realized that his friends get gifts too. So after Suri's party, Liam asked if we could get Devin a Red Step 2 Motorcycle, just like Liam's for Devin's birthday. There was only one thing on Liam's mind at the time, I'm sure: motorcycle races.

The best part about racing motorcycles would have to be the crashing. Both boys enjoyed the first pre-ameteur, back-alley motorbike race, sponsored by Step2 and Huggies.

Liam won the first heat, mostly because Devin was getting used to the bike. D won the second heat, perhaps because Liam was riding in the wrong direction. The bikes malfunctioned in the third heat, with both bikes curiously beeping and honking in unison. In the last heat, both boys got of the bikes and had to be coaxed back on by the bystander daddies. The bikes required tow trucks, and had to be parked in the garage overnight.

Two years ago, Liam was sitting up and eating solid food (well that cereal stuff, if you call that food) and Baby D was still alienlike. Liam started walking around the time that D started to crawl. Even six months ago, there was a substantial difference between the boys, but not so much anymore. After the motorcycle races, they came inside and made towers out of bristle blocks, chatting away for nearly 20 minutes.

The differences between them now are minimal -- mostly personality based now. They do the same things, eat mostly the same foods, speak the same language. Even in size, Liam is still a tiny bit taller, but that's it.

Suri's a different story. She and D are the same age but she's tiny compared to Liam and Devin. I have a feeling they will all catch up by three.

Tonight Liam said his prayers, like always. But he added a thank you to God for giving him his friends, and his motorbike, and for birthdays.

Motorbike races:
07-09 Motorbike

On July 24th Liam weighed about 31 pounds and he calls himself a big boy. He can sing the ABC song on his own, with only a little help.