Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Taking a Stand

Early to mid November

Many people have asked why there hasn't been a Blog in a few weeks. The truth is that I'm working an awful lot... but with some reprieve in sight. I have a few days off for Thanksgiving, and then a few weeks for Christmas. Starting in January, I only teach in the evenings. But for right now, I teach a little too much.

Liam doesn't mind though. He loves going to school. When we get there, he wants to play right away, and they say he never cries. Or at least not while he's there. Often he's sad that he has to leave, and he cries when we get in the car to go home. It doesn't last long though; he's usually so tired that he zonks out before we get home. The photo is of Liam finger painting at school.

He really likes playing with the other babies, and there's one little guy, a little older than Liam, who he really gets along with. I think he also likes the daily routine. We're glad he's happy going to nursery school.

The last weeks have been a bit of a blur. There's one notable milestone: Liam can stand up now. One morning I went to his room, and there he was, grasping the crib rail with his baby death-grip. He sways and bounces, all while standing. Most of the time he remembers that he can sit, but he likes standing so much that he wants to stand even when he's too tired to hang on.

He can pull himself up on almost anything these days. Pants legs, furniture, Zoe... it's amazing how much strength he has.

Liam's also learning a lot about gravity. We give him little bits of food (puffed cereal, dried fruit, etc.) to give him practice picking things up. He bangs on the high chair tray and they bounce off. Zoe's learned that if she sits under the chair, she gets a shower of treats.

We're gearing up for Christmas by staying home for Turkey Day. Liam and I will watch the Packers Thursday morning, but other than that, we have no plans. Bean's a little too young for Turkey and all the trimmings. Maybe next year.