Friday, April 17, 2009


When Liam was at church on Easter, he noticed people said 'amen' a lot. He would say it too, a few seconds after the congregation. Very cute. After church, Liam asked about amen, so I explained that praying was talking to God. I suppose I told him that we pray for people who need help. Liam wasn't sure who God was, but he must have figured it out.

Anyway, last night, as Liam was falling asleep, he asked about amen again. He wanted to know what it meant and I reminded him. Liam has been really worried about his great-grandpa, who broke his hip last weekend. So all on his own, last night, Liam said, "God help Grandpa. Amen." he thought for a minute, and then he added, "God help Suri. Amen." (Suri is Liam's friend who is currently waiting to be adopted.)

Liam has been asking to go to church again all week, and I have to admit, he behaved really well for a two-year-old. So the plan is to take him every week, now that he is old enough. I was reminded of sitting through church when I was little, fascinated by the rituals. How did everyone know do everything at the same time? I didn't understand much of what was being said, but I knew it was important.

I think Liam already understands the significance. Amen.