Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Present

Liam and I watched the UPS driver walk around the park, looking for the right house. We discussed whether she drove a brown van or a brown bus. In the end, we agreed to disagree.

The UPS driver finally came to OUR house with this big box that was making race car noises. She and I both laughed, and she saw Liam and said "this must be for you!"

So, of course, we had to open the box.

It was a race car spiral ramp! Liam loves it. Thank you Auntie Katie (which he says himself at the end of the video).

Liam's Present

In other news, we're off to Florida in a few days. That means Liam's due for some kind of messy illness. It came a few days early; today in fact. He barfed all over the car on the way to the doc. He was supposed to get his hearing retested today. They took one look at him and rescheduled for January. He has been ok since then, so maybe he just had an upset tummy!