Sunday, August 3, 2008

List of 25

One thing about living right next to a playground is that we overhear some of the most interesting/banal discussions. Two mommies sitting out there... taking about the "List of 25." Of course, I was intrigued to keep eavesdropping...

"Ogre," she said, "Shrek was popular at the time."

They were talking about first words. Specifically, they were talking about the first 25 words. This got me thinking about Liam's list.

1. mama
2. more
3. ball
4. book
5. baby
6. bye
7. dog
8. D (for Devin)
9. cheese
10. fish
11. nana
12. cracker

This doesn't include his signs: all done, airplane, eat, more, milk, sleep, dog, bird, different

These are the ones he uses regularly. He repeats what we say, but I don't think the words have meaning yet. For example, if I say 'Lester', Liam says his version, which sounds pretty close. But it isn't 'Daddy', and he doesn't yet connect the two. If I say 'Daddy', Liam knows exactly who I'm talking about, and will even point to him. However, he doesn't yet say 'Daddy'. He also doesn't use 'mommy' (or mama) to refer to me all that often either. Most of the time 'mama' means 'more, more'.