Monday, February 11, 2008

The Howler Monkey Returns

The last few days, Liam's started screaming. I think it's just that he figured out that he can. We tell him not to, try to ignore it, and hope it will pass. He's also crawling all over, up and over stuff, on top of, under and through.

We had a busy weekend. On Friday Daddy stayed home with Liam while Mommy went to work. University Day was at the Pack Forest near Mt. Rainier. While it was nice to get away for a day, I really missed hanging out with little Bean. On Saturday, we introduced politics to Liam's little world. We went to our local caucus. It was impressive -- hundreds of people filled the elementary school gym across the street. Then Cara came over for a sleep-over. Miranda and Cassie came down for a visit too; Liam had three friends to play with! We all went swimming at the Y and then ended the fun day with pizza. Liam loves pizza, of course!

Speaking of food, he tried green beans again, and liked them. He loves grapes... would eat them all day. I've thought about giving him eggs, but we'll hold off for a little while longer.

We're planning Bean's birthday party. Everyone says the first party is for the parents, but we'll have our St. Patrick's Day party a few weeks after Liam's birthday. Currently I'm trying to dream up a 'jelly bean' theme cake. Sure, I could get a grocery store cake for him to sink his little hands into, but I think I'm happier knowing what goes into it. Lester seems to be against the smushed cake tradition... guess it's not really a British thing.