Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy 6-month birthday Devin!

Liam's best friend Devin is six months old today. Happy birthday Devin! According to the Blog, we met Dev sometime between July 25 and July 30th. At the time, Liam was a little smaller than Dev is now (Liam was 5 months old at the time, and Devin must have been a few days old). From the July 3oth Blog:  

...we met the newest baby on the block. Liam no longer has that title. There's nothing quite like a new, tiny little one, as light as a feather. Hard to believe Liam was ever so small.

Funny, now Kailie is tiny little one, and Dev's only a little smaller than Liam! They grow so fast...

So this afternoon, Devin will graduate from the 'beginner baby' class, and he'll join Liam in the 'advanced baby' class. Liam's not going to be there much longer though. This week he's starting to prove his readiness for the next level of life, 'beginner toddler'. (I have a feeling there's more homework in the toddler class... at least for the parents.)

Liam's learned new things just recently. First, he's figured out how to stand up in his car, on the seat. This seems dangerous, but he doesn't care. He now likes to stand in the high chair too, and if the strap isn't super tight, he can get himself out of it....also very dangerous. He's also learned how to bang on windows with blocks and other toys; noisy but probably harmless given the strength of modern windows. He can jump up and down, while holding onto the baby gate. He likes to take off his shoes, socks and any other clothing that's easily removed. On Tuesday I spent an hour at Costco looking for his shoes, which he covertly dropped from the cart without me noticing. 

The final, and most appreciated evidence that's he inching closer to toddler-hood is that he's started giving hugs, and once and while, big sloppy kisses. Yesterday he said ma-ma-ma-ma-ma. Like da-da-da-da-da, I don't think the sound had meaning to him, but in my world, he was singing my song.